Manga Blog: Deep Sleeper Ocha

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Let’s learn Japanese with our funny and laid-back manga blog (yonkoma manga), “Deep Sleeper Ocha”.

Manga Blog (Japanese Version)

manga blog deep sleeper ocha_jp

Vocabulary & Grammar

  • ねむり – sleep (noun)
  • ふかい – deep
  • ここ最近さいきん – these days, recently
  • ずっと – constantly
  • 風邪かぜをひく – to catch a cold
  • ゴホゴホ – onomatopoeia for coughing
  • 夜中よなかに – in the middle of the night
  • む – to have a coughing fit
  • ガバッ – onomatopoeia for suddenly sitting up
  • ゲホゲホ – onomatopoeia for severe cough
  • 大丈夫だいじょうぶ – okay, fine
  • 寝言ねごと – sleep-talking
  • ぐー – onomatopoeia for snoring

Manga Blog (English Version)

manga blog deep sleeper ocha_en

Comment from the Author

When I asked Ocha the next day, sure enough, he didn’t remember.

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