Manga Blog: What Has Changed

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Let’s learn Japanese with our funny and laid-back manga blog (yonkoma manga), “What Has Changed”.

Manga Blog (Japanese Version)

manga blog what has changed_jp

Vocabulary & Grammar

  • わる – to change
  • こと – thing (refers to intangible or abstract things)
  • かえる – to return, go home
  • verb te-form + くる – indicates movement towards the speaker
  • 移動いどう手段しゅだん – means of transport
  • 電車でんしゃ – train
  • 徒歩とほ – on foot, walking
  • くるま – car
  • もの – food
  • 料理りょうり – cuisine
  • インド – India/Indian
  • 中華ちゅうか – Chinese (refers to the style of Chinese cuisine)
  • トースティ – toastie (toasted sandwich)
  • 体重たいじゅう – weight

Manga Blog (English Version)

manga blog what has changed_en

Comment from the Author

Ocha insists that it’s not fat, but muscle that has increased.

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